The goal of this lab was to practice gathering data from different online sources. This required me to organize the data in ArcCatelog, and import the data into ArcMap to join various data together. Using PyScripter, I practiced coding to create output raster maps that all shared the same coordinate system, and practiced navigating them to the appropriate folder destination. Throughout the downloading process I collected all metadata that was provided from the sources; this is located in a table within the methods section.
General Methods:
To complete the lab, I was required to download data from five different websites. This required me to navigate through the sources to collect both the data and the metadata if available.
1) U.S. Department of Transportation
To download U.S Raillines data, I navigated to the U.S. DOT website:
This source allowed me to selected the most recent National Transportation Atlas Database data (2015), where I was then able to select the Polyline feature class type. In this tab I was able download the Railway Network ZIP which stored the Roadlines feature class.
2) USGS National Map Viewer
To download the 2011 National Land Cover Database data and the National Digital Elevation data, I navigated to the USGS National Map Viewer website:
At this page, I was able to navigate to my study area and designate it as my area of interest. My AOI for this activity was Trempealeau County. After I selected this, I was able to download both the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data and the Nation Elevation Data for this specific area, as well as view it's metadata.
3) USDA NASS Geospatial Data Gateway
To download the Land Cover Cropland data, I navigated to the USDA NASS Geospatial Data Gateway website:
After selecting my area of interest of Trempealeau County, WI, I navigated to the Land Use Land Cover tab, to locate the Cropland Data Layer. Selecting this provided me a link through email to download the cropland data specifically for Trempealeau County.
4) Trempealeau County Land Records
To download the Trempealeau County Geodatabase, I navigated to the Trempealeau County Data Dictionary webpage:
A link of this page allowed me to directly download the entire Trempealeau County geodatabase that stored all of the features listed under the data report on the same webpage.
5) USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey
To download SSURGO soil data , I navigated to the USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey webpage:
This brought me to an interactive map that allowed me to select my soil survey area of interest of Trempealeau County. Once I navigated to the download soils data tab, I was able to download the data directly to my computer.
6) Python Script
Once all of the data was collected, I ran a Python Script to generate three output rasters for Trempealeau County. These rasters represent the Nation Land Cover Database data, the Digital Elevation Model, and the Cropland Data.for Trempealeau County.
![]() |
Figure 1: The National Land Cover Database map, DEM map, and Cropland map of Trempealeau County, WI, created using Python Script. |
The data accuracy should be evaluated based on the metadata provided by the data's distributor. As I collected the data, I collected as much metadata information for the data as well, based on the following data quality components seen in figure 2:
Figure 2: The metadata collected for the downloaded data |
The five different data sources represent the variability in ways data can be downloaded offline. While downloading the data for the lab, I encountered webpages that required me to select my AIO though an intereactive map, or through a dropdown tab. After selecting my study area by either of these methods, most of the websites would generate a link, allowing me to directly download the data from their website. One of these websites however sent a download link through email. The Department of Transportation did not require me to select an AOI, and therefore I was required to download an national railline feature dataset. When downloading the Trempealeau County countyboundary feature class, I was required to download the entire geodatabase. The most interesting part of this data downloading process is how it relates to metadata collection.
In addition to the methods of downloading the data, the methods to collect metadata from these sites varied drastically. This made it difficult to develop a consistent procedure of collecting and documenting this information. Unfortunately, none of the downloaded datasets had the metadata table under item description filled out with sufficient metadata and therefore had unique ways of distributing their metadata. For example, DoT include their the data's scale within the properties description, however no other information. The USGS metadata was located it two separate locations; one was an entirely different webpage and the other was a link directly beneath the download link. Although one of the pages appeared to have significant metadata documentation, this information did not assist with filling out the table of our desired information. The USDA NASS metadata was also located beside the link to download data, however the USDA SSURGO was not. They included a PDF link that provides information on "structural metadata" but I could not locate the majority of the metadata precisely for the soil survey area data. Lastly, the Trempealeau County geodatabase metadata would have to be gathered separately for each feature class. Specific feature class metadata was provided on their website however it did not include the majority of information I was hoping to collect.
Working through these issues, it is clear that metadata is difficult to collect, which can lead to accurate problems when working with the data. It is important to know the accuracy of the data you are working with, along with the resolution, minimal mapping unit, and the temporal accuracy. If you are unable to find one of these data characteristics and wish to use the data for analytical purposes, it is critical to locate it either by continuing to navigate the webpage or contacting the distributor directly.
Data was collected at the following websites:
US Department of Transportation (2015). National Transportation Atlas Database data [Polyline Feature Class]. Retrieved on 10/19/2015. Retrieved from
USGS National Map Viewer (2011). National Land Cover data and National Digital Elevation data [Trempealeau County Area]. Retrieved on 10/18/2015. Retrieved from
USDA NASS. Land Use Land Cover database [Cropland Data Layer]. Retrieved on 10/19/2015. Retrieved from
Trempealeau County. Trempealeau County Geodatabase. Retrieved on 10/19/2015. Retrieved from
USDA Web Soil Service. SSURGO Soil Data [Trempealeau County]. Retrieved on 10/19/2015. Retrieved from